Olivia Plum
10 rules
Olivia Plum Naturally With Love is a brand that was created out of love for travel and nature . When creating each cosmetic, I am guided by the principles that helped set Olivia's direction from the very beginning. Rules that are small and unimportant to some, but infinitely important and great to me.
Each of the 10 principles is close to my heart and helps shape the brand further. Here they are, step by step... Or rather, letter by letter.

That is, olive oil
This was the first leg of Olivia Plum's journey that started it all. If it weren't for the fascination with the extraordinary wealth of Greece - natural and cultural, the idea for the brand might not have been created. So every day I look for new places with their unique local treasures for Olivia to discover and bring back.

Like people
They inspire me to continue searching. Family and friends, those already known and those not yet known. These are also women from different parts of the world who, at the end of the day, have very similar values and desires. Their differences and similarities, conversations with them, as well as life needs - spiritual, body and care - simply "drive" the continuous development of the brand.

That is, innovation
Olivia Plum's cosmetics recipes are short, simple and clear. There is no room for random ingredients or those whose origin I cannot trace or know. It all depends on the right combination - both of the individual raw materials in the composition, as well as the subsequent steps of the care ritual. I am looking for perfect proportions, in life and in myself, because there is no one universal recipe for beauty. New products from Olivia Plum's offer are introduced with women and their various needs in mind, so that everyone can find the right harmony for themselves.

Like vivre
Understood as joie de vivre, this beautiful and sometimes elusive creative force, the driving force, simply – the joy of life! I believe that daily care is not only a necessary practice, but also a pleasure. It's a moment of breath, an opportunity to immerse yourself in well-known, sometimes long-awaited activities to rest your senses and soothe you. I attach great importance not only to the effect of the cosmetic and the recipe based on natural ingredients, but also to the so-called added value. Our favorite cosmetic must be nice to apply and smell beautiful, so that we come back to it every morning or evening. I also experienced first-hand (and how!) the power of small, yet wonderful accents accompanying care. All you need is a roller previously chilled in the fridge or an amazingly scented candle to turn everything into an almost magical ritual.

It means intuition
Because inside yourself you know what needs to be done and changed. You feel what is good for you, your spirit and body, which makes you regain balance. Olivia Plum is based on women's intuition and so far I have not been disappointed with it. This is an incredible and incomparable power. Every woman has it! So when women are saving and shaping the world, Olivia Plum is in their corner and supporting as much as she can. Because at the end of the day of being a superhero, you deserve a moment of relaxation. Your own beauty ritual in harmony with yourself.

Like an alternative
An alternative to processed cosmetics or food products in the form of natural raw materials and simple recipes, ecological solutions, but also understood as an alternative to the pace of life. Instead of doing everything in a hurry and mechanically, I strive to approach everyday activities with attention and joy, and celebrate these "small rituals". You can live better, more sustainably and in harmony with yourself. Even if the changes happen slowly and in baby steps , they are definitely worth it. Olivia Plum strives to offer these natural solutions to discover the world from its best side, every day.

That is, beauty
It's a natural thing that distinguishes every woman. I believe it is innate and deserves to be celebrated daily. It has different faces everywhere on Earth, but what they have in common is that it is unique and undeniable. Each Olivia Plum ritual is a tribute to this beauty, the fullness of radiance that is just waiting to be brought out. It is also the beauty of the world and nature, a bit of which I want to include in my cosmetics. Everything comes together. While traveling around the world, I reach women from all over the world. And by getting to know women, I get to know their world. Seen through their eyes, unique and universal at the same time. It's hard not to admire him and feel an extraordinary desire to act. This energy motivates Olivia Plum to continue to develop.

Because Naturally With Love is not just an advertising slogan, but a whole philosophy! It leads you to new, amazing places, but also accompanies you at home every day. It is the love I have for nature - the world, animals, other people, and myself. It guides you through life and helps you make conscious choices every day, with your loved ones and the environment in mind. This feeling became the inspiration for Olivia cosmetics.

It means a smile
Each of us is looking for balance in the world and in ourselves. It's not an easy process, but you should never give up. Sometimes it is enough to open yourself to nature and the beautiful richness of our planet, including the wisdom of other people. And greet each day with a smile. Because you should appreciate the smiles of fate!

Like dreams
Those about travel, about countries that need to be visited and beloved places that will be returned to again and again. It's about tracing a map with your finger and dreams that are already starting to come true in your head. Striving to be kind to others and follow your heart. Openness to other people, their stories, their needs. Dreams of living according to your own rules, no matter if there are ten or more of them. Because Olivia Plum cosmetics are the power of dreams - soft like olive oil, scented with vanilla and ylang-ylang, soothing like lavender and mastiha balm, natural and with heart.