Written by Anna Sliwinska
What is Self Love? Is this a temporary trend? Or maybe a type of thinking that will stay with us for a long time? And what does it really mean?
10 kroków do bycia zero waste

10 steps to being zero waste

Written by Anna Sliwinska
Is this just a passing fad? Is it a lifestyle and a necessary necessity? 10 steps to being zero waste that you can implement now.
Kamienie szlachetne - jaki wpływ mają na nasze zdrowie?

Gemstones - what effect do they have on our health?

Written by Anna Sliwinska
Do you know the healing properties of natural stones? Each stone has power and meaning. Want to learn more about stones and where stone healing comes from? What stones do we recommend in massage cosmetics and why?
Dlaczego warto palić świece sojowe?

Why is it worth burning soy candles?

Written by Anna Sliwinska
Who doesn't like candles? They smell beautiful and create a wonderful atmosphere, especially on cool autumn afternoons. But apart from that, they have many beneficial effects on the entire human body - you can read about this and conscious choices in this article.
Czym są glinki i za co pokochał je świat?

What are clays and why does the world love them?

Written by Anna Sliwinska
Each of you has probably heard about clays, but do you really know what they are and how wonderful they are for our skin? You can read about what it helps with and why even doctors love it in this article!
Jak czytać etykiety kosmetyków?

How to read cosmetic labels?

Written by Anna Sliwinska
More and more cosmetics, including natural ones, appear on the market. First of all, we ask ourselves: how are they better than those produced on a mass scale? What to pay special attention to, what to consider when choosing them, and finally - how to match them to the needs of your skin. We provide you with helpful information in a short and clear way.
Pochodzenie naszych mydeł

The origin of our soaps

Written by Anna Sliwinska
Olivia Plum soaps are made in Greece from olive oil, which has a fantastic effect on the skin.