Although tonics and hydrolates are experiencing a real renaissance as a result of the trend of multi-stage Korean care, it is a product that has been in our cosmetic bags for years. Perhaps some of us still remember the times when our grandmothers made rose infusions and wiped their faces with them, and if not, we certainly used it when we first had acne. But what is a tonic, what is its function and how to choose it for your skin type? We explain!



Simply put, tonic is water and additional ingredients. The type of these ingredients determines its action, because in addition to its basic role of preparing the skin for subsequent stages of care, it can also soothe, firm, brighten... just like creams or cheeses. Hydrolates are also used to tone the skin - i.e. distilled water, e.g. floral water. However, in the Olivia Plum offer we focus on tonics that have a richer composition and have not only toning but also caring properties.


And how does the tonic actually affect the skin? Moisture is the key! Moisture transports active substances deep into the skin, so products applied to skin dewy with tonic will work even more effectively. Regardless of whether we prefer cheese, creams, oils or lotions in our care. It is also worth remembering that a tonic or hydrolate does not replace skin cleansing, but complements it, ends this stage of care and prepares the skin for subsequent treatments. Check out our tonics from Olivia Plum.


Application of tonic is a matter of choice and your own preferences. We can choose a product with an atomizer - a quick and practical method, especially when traveling or on hot days (it's wonderfully refreshing!) or choose a product in traditional packaging and apply it with a cotton pad. You can also apply it to your hands and gently pat it onto your face.

How to choose a tonic?

The basis, of course, is to determine your skin type. Attention! Remember that oily skin does not always require strong formulas, especially those with alcohol. Such toners are not suitable for any type of skin.



There are tonics available on the market for mature, matte and dull, dehydrated and even problematic skin, e.g. New products include exfoliating tonics, i.e. gently exfoliating the skin surface ( Halo Tonic ). They contain mild acids that literally "dissolve" dead epidermis. The concentration and type of acid are selected depending on the skin's needs - with a lower content of the active ingredient for sensitive skin and a higher content for skin with imperfections.

The compositions of tonics contain the same active substances as in your favorite creams. So let's pay attention to their composition and the skin tonic:

  1. Dry, dehydrated water should contain: hyaluronic acid, D-panthenol, plant extracts, e.g. rose water, e.g. Dash Tonic
  2. Naczynkowa - extracts of ginkgo biloba, witch hazel, arnica or horse chestnut, vitamins C and K
  3. Problematic - mild fruit acids, salicylic acid, niacinamide, silver or copper and glycolic acid

We hope that with our guide you will be able to find the perfect product for yourself, which not only affects the skin but also the senses. After all, care should also be a pleasure!

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