How to use cosmetics with glycolic acid?

How to use cosmetics with glycolic acid?

Each of us wants to feel beautiful, take care of our skin and provide it with the best possible ingredients. However, removing make-up, cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating, brightening - these are just some of the care steps we try to remember every week. We implement subsequent ingredients in subsequent care steps that are intended to help us take care of beautiful skin and natural glow. However, in the thicket of this information and the multitude of messages, it is easy to miss the fact that some cosmetics… cannot be combined! Why? More on this in today's entry.

If you want to consciously take care of your skin, look at your care comprehensively, not selectively. Tonic, serum, oil, acids, essences, creams - many products and even more... active ingredients! Those that can perfectly complement their action or those that... may lead to irritations and allergies. Therefore, before you buy another cosmetic, take a look at your cosmetics bag and think about the effects of the individual ingredients contained in them. Just a little chemistry lesson in adult life ;)

Today we would like to pay special attention to What can and cannot be combined with glycolic acid, which is the main active ingredient HALO tonic - the latest product in the Olivia Plum portfolio . Created to make your skin glow.


Glycolic acid (aka acid AHA ) stimulates fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen. It exfoliates the epidermis, regenerates, reduces the visibility of pores and regulates sebum secretion. It sounds like a cosmetic perfect for combining with moisturizing, illuminating or anti-wrinkle products, but is it really with all of them?

What should you not combine glycolic acid with?


    It would seem that such a combination is the best we can give our skin. However, there is… on the contrary! This mix will prevent the vitamin C contained in our cosmetic from working at all! Therefore, do not use serum or cream with vitamin C, e.g. immediately after washing the skin with an exfoliating tonic, because the care will be useless.

    Instead, use a product with vitamin C (preferably in the simple form of ascorbin), e.g. GLOW serum + SPF filter during the day, and any acids, e.g. in the form of a tonic, in the evening. After the product with acid, you can use a neutral moisturizing product, e.g. DRIP serum.


        Retinol is a beloved ingredient among people who fight wrinkles or want to delay their appearance. Retinol - also known as vitamin A - has anti-aging properties, reduces the visibility of lines and discolorations, tightens the skin and improves hydration. It also regulates sebum production and reduces the appearance of inflammation and acne. In addition, high concentrations of retinol can cause intense peeling of the skin (this is to get rid of dead cells and stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid). However, acids primarily have an exfoliating effect.

        Using them at the same time will severely irritate, dry out the skin and disrupt the water-lipid barrier of the skin (the so-called lipid coat). Rashes and inflammation may also occur. Our advice: use cosmetics with these ingredients in different months or at least a few days apart.


          Maybe you won't hurt yourself with this duo, but you definitely will get some funny "patches"! Instead of the light tan that many people like, you will get strange discolorations and spots. We do not recommend!


          4. AHA ACID + PEELING

            Though 5% glycolic acid It is not the strongest, but its regular use brings results: it exfoliates the epidermis and reveals new, healthy cells. Consistency and patience are needed. Do not try to speed up the results by using AHA together with mechanical peels. Such a set will irritate the skin, make it red, and the peeling will be unnaturally severe.

            5. AHA ACID + ACID (any other, e.g. salicylic)

              Exfoliating acids are one of the favorites of oily and acne-prone skin, but they should be used by everyone, regardless of age. Exfoliation is necessary for the active ingredients of creams or serums to be absorbed and bring results. You may be tempted to use different acids at the same time to speed up their effects, but... don't do it!

              Leave playing chemist to the professionals. If your cosmetic does not contain several acids (tested in a laboratory), do not combine them on your own. Glycolic, lactic, salicylic, grape - they all seem attractive, but when combined with each other, they can cause a rash and even... end up with burns! Makes no sense, right?

              6. AHA ACID + SPF

                A duo you can't live without ;) We encourage you to use filters 365 days a year, but we know that not everyone uses them, e.g. in winter. Remember, however, that sun protection is necessary during acid treatment! Use filters during and at least 2 weeks after acid treatment. They will protect the skin against sun discoloration and deterioration of its condition. Care without UV filters may have a negative impact on the condition and appearance of your skin. 

                “Okay, now I know what not to use glycolic acid with – do I need to know anything more?” - what to remember when using acids?

                YES! Properly selected acid is not everything! Also consider its concentration and... the pH of the product. Products with pH values ​​below 7 are called acids. The lower the pH value, the stronger the acid. Acids for home use, available in drugstores and online stores, will not work as intensively as those made in offices. Introduce acid care slowly, observing the skin's reactions and starting with lower concentrations. This will allow your skin to get used to the temporary change in pH and reduce the risk of irritation.

                You have many types of products to choose from. From pure, undissolved acids, through ready-made tonics, to serums and peels. The best digestible and gentlest option to start with is tonic . It is a cosmetic with low concentration and higher pH. It allows you to safely check the skin's reaction to individual active ingredients. All facial cleansing gels, milks and acid masks work similarly gently. We recommend using stronger/higher concentrations of acids only in cosmetology offices, under the supervision of experienced cosmetologists or under the supervision of a dermatologist.

                Remember that acid care is the most effective and safe in autumn and winter. It can have an anti-wrinkle, moisturizing, exfoliating, firming and anti-acne effect on your skin. It also works on blackheads. You will see full results after 2-3 months of use.

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