10 steps to being zero waste

10 kroków do bycia zero waste

Is this just a passing fad? Is it a lifestyle and a necessary necessity? Today we will discuss a serious topic: zero waste. 10 steps to being zero waste that you can implement now.

First, an example showing a huge disproportion: the average Pole uses about 466 plastic bags a year, while the average Finn uses 5 of them and the average Dane uses only 4.

The production of plastic waste is the nightmare of the 21st century, a material intended to make our lives easier, but is currently the worst threat to animals living in the oceans and beyond. But zero waste is not just about plastic.

So what is zero waste?

Literally, zero waste, zero waste. It's a lifestyle in which we try to produce as little waste as possible. We use resources instead of creating waste.

Example: instead of throwing away an old curtain, with a minimum of effort we can sew ourselves a bag to store vegetables/fruits in the fridge or one that we will use to wash underwear so that it does not get damaged in the washing machine.

Where to start reducing waste?

It is worth mentioning the 3R principles here: reduce, reuse, recycle, in Poland translated to 3U: avoid unnecessary purchases, use - reuse, recycle.

Think about what you throw away the most and which waste is the biggest problem for you.

Zero waste in practice, 10 steps to being less waste:

* The simplest first step on the way to being zero waste is a reusable shopping bag, preferably a cloth one, it takes up little space and looks much better than plastic equivalents,

* replace plastic water bottles and use a water bottle that you can fill with boiled water from a kettle, there are also good quality bottles with built-in filters to which you can pour tap water,

* you can replace the plastic toothbrush with a bamboo one, which is replaced with the same frequency, but the bamboo one is 100% biodegradable, there are also bamboo ear buds available on the market,

* do not use disposable drinking straws,

* how often do you drink coffee to go? Remember that you can take your own cup with you, the paper cup you receive your coffee in is not recyclable,

* buy local products, from a farmer at a nearby market - or at least avoid buying products that are unnecessarily packed in plastic,

* choose cosmetics in simple packaging (like bar soaps ) or those whose packaging can be reused (e.g. glass with a dispenser),

* don't buy too much! This is one of the most important rules. Today, shopaholism has taken over us. How many clothes are in your closet that you have never worn or that still have tags? This rule applies to all spheres of life, starting with food and ending with electronics,

* choose reusable cloths that you can later wash in the washing machine, you can make your own cloths from an old sheet or cotton T-shirts, instead of paper towels,

* replace the traditional body wash sponge with a natural one extracted from the ocean floor, which is extremely soft, more absorbent, and has better cleaning properties. Natural sponges are durable and have the ability to clean themselves. Using such a sponge, you can perform a gentle facial massage.

Why is it so important how we live today?

The answer is trivial, for the simple reason that we have one and only means of transport in space - the Earth. Unless I forgot something and you know other available planets? ;)

We must think globally so that subsequent generations can enjoy this planet and keep it in the best possible condition.

We made a bit of a mess and it was time to clean it up.

And let's look around and wonder if the excess is not overwhelming?

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