They wrote about us | Olivia Plum brand at Agata has Nosa

Napisali o nas | marka Olivia Plum u Agata ma Nosa

Agata Herbut known online as Agata Ma Nosa prepared for her fans an entry about 3 Polish brands that are worth knowing. We are very pleased that we also have an honorable place in the ranking!

See a fragment of Agata's entry:

"I used almost all the products Olivia Plum and I have a very good opinion about them! Today I will tell you about the brand's new product, the Moisturizing Ritual. This is a set that includes: DRIP serum, DASH tonic and a jade roller for facial massage. Let me start with the serum - it is intended for all skin types, especially the most needy, dry and dehydrated ones. It has a silky, very pleasant consistency, quickly penetrates the skin, and is not sticky. I used the serum once/twice a day, with regular use I said goodbye to dry skin, the quality of my skin and the level of hydration improved. The serum will work great as a make-up base.

Be sure to visit Agata's blog and read it whole article.

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